June 7, 2018 1:15 – 3:15 2 hrs credit
“Minnesota Housing: A Path to Successful Homeownership” is designed to teach real estate agents and brokers the Minnesota Housing first mortgage, down payment/closing cost, and home improvement loan programs. Loan programs that are available statewide, and can help Minnesotans with low to moderate income realize the dream of homeownership. Participants will learn who Minnesota Housing is, our mission and who we serve. We will discuss diverse markets-who they are, the challenges they face and how to reach them. We cover all the single family loan programs available, and the highlights of each. Examples and exercises provided will give a better understanding of who is a good candidate for a Minnesota Housing loan. An overview of additional resources available through Minnesota Housing and its partners will be included.
If you do not have an education card, please call the Association for payment.